
Mark+Brian~ Engagement

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This has been a whirl wind of a wedding season and with Hurricane Ike running through it has not slowed it down any. This has been one of my busiest years in the last eight great years I have had so far. In saying that, I have not been able to update as much as I would like to. There is no better job in the world than being able to photograph some of the happiest days of a couple's life, expect of course being a mom to my great kids. I love every minute of what I do and when I am have a day off and have a chance, I like to shoot with some other great photographers. Earlier this month I was able to work with Edward Charles and a wonderful couple, Rachel and Mark. They were married in Beaumont and there will be more on that soon. First, I traveled with Edward to College Station a couple of weeks prior to their wedding to photograph their engagement pictures. We started out at Texas A&M, Bottle Cap Alley and finished at Research Park. These are a few of my favorite images I took.