No matter rain nor shine, there will be a wedding! It rained all day up to seconds before Jessica walked down the aisle. It just set a romantic mood for the big moment. Jennifer and Rollie had a beautiful ceremony at the Rose Gardens.
Enjoying a good laugh in between photos. Wouldn't you love to know what was so funny?
Then Jennifer and Rollie enjoyed dinner and dancing at the old movie theater, Majestic Metro, in downtown Houston.
Take a second look! That's Jennifer and Rollie in the 'Now Showing' posters. Who knew they were in 'Nacho Libre'.
Expressions on every one's face says a thousand words!
There is nothing more rewarding than a session where the bride enjoys the total day and lets you think outside the box. Gloria Stamper and I both agreed, Raven was such a joy to work with and it shows. Mom wanted as much 'avant-garde photos' as possible, which we could not have asked for a better bride to give them too!
My love for photography keeps me busy documenting the special moments of other's lives. Saying this, I thought it was time to do a series of my kids. Starting with my little man first. My daughter in the days to follow. Even though the rain ended our day sooner than I expected, here are a few of my favorites.
A photographer in training! Ty turned the camera on me. Watch out for him in the future.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything you gave me" Erma Bombeck